Query SAP Business ByDesign Web Services via Power Query

In this post I would like to share my experience about work with web services using Power Query.

Unfortunately, some very important information is not available in data sources, e.g. Accounts Relationships and Pricing Conditions (price lists, customer specific discount lists etc.). Hope someday we will get this in reports.

However, currently, we can get this info only from

  • UI manually, almost impossible to do if you have X tenants and XXX customers with specific price lists
  • Web services – Jedi path, require knowledge and skills, or trustable tools, that can be checked

To our luck, with every new release we get more and more web services.

Basic idea of web service usage

  1. Make POST http request with XML
  2. Parse XML response


Load Power Query function from GitHub

Why scenario of “Loading Power Query function from GitHub” is interesting?

Assume that you work in big company, or small, doesn’t matter.

You and your colleagues use shared library of Power Query functions, published on shared drive.

You also have separated workstation or server, that has no access to the internet, only can access shared folders in corporate network. This workstation updating workbooks with Power Query all day and night long.

Typical model

From time to time, you also have to collect data from web using PQ functions. E.g. if you are using cloud ERP, like SAP Business ByDesign.

When you are in the office, everything is OK, your laptop is in corporate network, you simply take functions from shared folder.

Of course, company’s network resources are not accessible from the outside – from home, from partner’s office or other place.

You probably can use VPN, it solves problem, however, partially. Because VPN reduces speed to some sites.

What would be good in such situation

  • library on the web that can be used by you and colleagues from everywhere
  • library on corporate network for isolated server

If you have such two libraries then following scenario becomes possible :

When you or your colleague in the office – you simply take function from corporate network

When you outside of company network, you load same function from web library

This simple function, Load.m published to GitHub, will help you


(fnName as text, optional BasePath as text) as function =>
//If you wish to hardcode the path to load the queries from, you can edit the following line:
DefaultPath = “C:\PQuery\”,
GitHubPath = “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IvanBond/pquery/master/“,

BasePath = if (BasePath <> null) then BasePath else DefaultPath,
Path = BasePath & (if Text.End(BasePath, 1) <> “\” then “\” else “”),
File = Path & fnName & “.m”,

Function = try Expression.Evaluate(Text.FromBinary(Binary.Buffer(File.Contents(File))), #shared)
otherwise Expression.Evaluate( Text.FromBinary(Binary.Buffer(Web.Contents(GitHubPath & fnName & “.m”))), #shared)

If you provide BasePath as parameter – function will take code from there.

If BasePath is empty then Load.m will use hardcoded DefaultPath.

If Load.m failed to load function from BasePath and DefaultPath – then it goes to hardcoded GitHubPath.

GitHub library opens wide opportunities, because it is shared, open-source, accessible from any place.

Generation of custom Calendars in Power Query

In my previous post I described how to build relative date functions in Power Query

Associated topic is a generation of Calendar table for Excel Data Model (aka PowerPivot) where better to have only necessary period of time. And certain list of dates in some cases, e.g. ends of last X month if we analyse month results.

Assume that we have model with sales of previous month. Quite often in such model we don’t need dates of previous of future year and when we refresh such model in the beginning of new month our Calendar should be refreshed as well.

I took idea of calendar generation from post on http://powerpivotpro.comhttp://www.powerpivotpro.com/2015/02/create-a-custom-calendar-in-power-query/, thanks to Matt Allington.

Functions List.Dates and List.Generate can help us get initial list of dates and then extend it to useful calendar with long month names, short month names etc.


Relative dates and periods in Power Query

Last several months I have worked with OData protocol of SAP Business Bydesign using Power Query. Typical scenario: I pull data of different reports applying filters, then shape and load them to Excel 2013 data model and then do necessary calculations using DAX.

Very common task in such work is to define boundaries of report, what most often related to time frames. Some models require list of dates of last month, some – from start of last year to today, some year to date and so on.

Therefore, when query data using OData, I must generate strings like

“$filter=SOMEDATEFIELD ge datetime’yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00′ and SOMEDATEFIELD le datetime’yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00′

where value of ‘yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00’ should be somehow calculated.

In SAP ByDesign standard reporting functional we have option to use relative selection in date-type fields. E.g. Invoice Date, Calendar Day, Year / Month, Year / Fiscal Period etc. In such fields we can use values like “Today”, “Tomorrow”, “Yesterday”, “Last day of Last Month”, “365 days ago” and so on.

I thought that it would be nice to have something similar in Power Query. Special library of Date.* functions that will extend current list of functions.

Define Today as

Date.Today = Date.From(DateTime.FixedLocalNow())

I expect that function DateTime.FixedLocalNow makes life of data model easier than DateTime.LocalNow. However, I did not any tests of productivity. Another note – I always change data type to Date using Date.From.

Our friends in this task are such functions as

Date.AddDays() Date.AddWeeks() Date.AddMonths() Date.AddQuaters() Date.AddYears()
Duration.Days() Date.StartOfWeek() Date.StartOfMonth() Date.StartOfQuarter() Date.StartOfYear()
Date.EndOfWeek() Date.EndOfMonth() Date.EndOfQuarter Date.EndOfYear()

Let’s start from simple

Date.Yesterday = Date.AddDays(Date.From(Date.Today), -1)

Date.Tomorrow = Date.AddDays(Date.From(Date.Today), 1)

Here I already use Date.Today instead of repeat Date.From(DateTime.FixedLocalNow()). This makes formula more convenient to read.

More common case – “N Days Ago” and “N Days in Future”

In Power Query (M) code we should define N.

N = 3

Date.NDaysAgo = Date.From(Date.AddDays(Date.Today, -N))

Date.NDaysInFuture = Date.From(Date.AddDays(Date.Today, N))

Let’s try something with months

Date.EndOfLastMonth = Date.From(Date.EndOfMonth(Date.AddMonths(Date.Today, -1)))

Date.StartOfMonth12MAgoExcCurMonth = Date.From(Date.StartOfMonth(Date.AddMonths(Date.Today, -12)))

Date.StartOfMonth12MAgoIncCurMonth = Date.From(Date.StartOfMonth(Date.AddMonths(Date.Today, -11)))

where Exc – excluding, Inc -including.

Again, we can easily make more common case – “End of month N months ago”

N = 3

Date.EndOfMonthNMonthsAgo = Date.From(Date.EndOfMonth(Date.AddMonths(Date.Today, -N)))

Something with years

Date.StartOfPreviousYear = Date.From(Date.AddYears(Date.StartOfYear(Date.Today), -1))

// or better to call it Date.StartOfLastYear

Date.StartOfCurrentYear = Date.From(Date.StartOfYear(Date.Today))

Idea is very simple – usage of combination of standard function. However, who wants to do repetitive work? Better to have library of checked and working functions.

More functions can be found in my repository on Github


Seek for Date.* and List.Dates.* functions.

Feel free to contribute your functions.

Excel online. How it works with dates in text format

Using DATEVALUE isn’t a good idea if you publish workbook on SharePoint. You have to be sure that locale at your computer is the same as on SharePoint site, where you publish workbook.


In this example date presented as text. SAP ByDesign always shows dates as text in reports. Text depends on user parameters set in ByD.

It can be DD.MM.YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY, or something else. Unfortunately, from report side we cannot get info about set date format. In our region we agreed that default date format that users should use is DD.MM.YYYY.

Return to DATEVALUE. It is a function that determine date from text string. Reasonable question – what is ‘03.04.2015’ (or ‘04.03.2015’). If you don’t know what date format was used DD.MM.YYYY or MM.DD.YYYY, you cannot answer. But we need answer, therefore Excel uses locale set in “Region and language” parameters.

For example, on your computer date format is DD.MM.YYYY and “28.02.2015” is recognized by DATEVALUE as 28-Feb-2015 – cool.

However, when you upload workbook on SharePoint site where locale set to English (U.S.), DATEVALUE in workbook tries to read date as MM/DD/YYYY, but there is no slash (/) sign in “28.02.2015” – first fail of formula. Even if it would be “28/02/2015”, do we have month “28” in calendar? – second fail.

Instead of using DATEVALUE I would recommend to manually cut string on parts using LEFT, MID, RIGHT functions.

If you are sure that first to characters shows day, month in the middle of string with two characters, year is last 4 characters, then

DATE(RIGHT(A1, 4), MID(A1, 4, 2), LEFT(A1, 2)) – will give you right date. This option works without dependency on locale of computer or SharePoint site.

Power BI is generally available now

From the first glance Power BI is a dream as self-service BI if only cloud publishing platform is allowed in organization.

Set of short videos shows how easy is to work with Power BI
Power BI Desktop GA Update Overview – overview of new features of Power BI Desktop application.

How to create and use the Personal Gateway to keep your data up to date. – connect reports in cloud with on-prem data through own workstation.

How to create content packs for your organization to use in the Power BI service. – packs of reports, create, share with groups of colleagues.

How to connect a file from OneDrive to Power BI. – very useful scenario, when workbook with data stored on Onedrive.

I consider important to try “packs of reports” feature. It is easy when reports are done for one small company, where reports divided on two or three groups; but will it be easy to maintain such structure on Power BI for 10 countries with 5 areas of reports in each, where every group should be isolated?

Dynamic Table Headers in Power Query (SAP ByDesign, Odata)

Another good example of how awesome is Power Query. And again I reference to one of well-known bloggers, Ken Puls’s post describes situation when we have pivoted data and need to unpivot them then rename columns. Fortunalety, in this example not so many columns used and unpivoting + join “rename table” is a solution.
However, in common case when we have table with 20 columns and 100 000 rows (or 2 million) unpivoting will be a very bad decision.
I faced with this challenge when I started to work with Odata protocol in SAP Business ByDesign.

Using Odata we have to provide string with list of fields ID in $select, for example query of Account Contact Data:



Multiple Replacements of words in Power Query

Post of Chris Webb inspired me on creation of alternative way to make replacement in table column using separate table with list of Old & New values. Say, more scalable solution. Because List.Generate, used by Chris, and cell by cell replacement is very slow method.
Another Chris’s post helped me with it. The idea is to use recursion, go line by line of Replacement table and apply Table.ReplaceValue function.

After playing around with PQ I came to following function

ReplaceAll = (InputTable as table, ColumnName as text, ReplacementTable as table, optional StartRow as number) =>
ActualRow = if (StartRow =null) then 0 else StartRow,
result = Table.ReplaceValue(InputTable, ReplacementTable{ActualRow}[Old], ReplacementTable{ActualRow}[New] ,Replacer.ReplaceText, {ColumnName}),

NextRow = ActualRow + 1,

OutputTable = if NextRow > (Table.RowCount(ReplacementTable)-1)
then result
@ReplaceAll(result, ColumnName, ReplacementTable, NextRow)

Using this function I get same result
PQ Replacement

In addition, it performs replacement on thousands of rows in appropriate time.
You can download the sample workbook here.

Reporting and modeling for SAP Business ByDesign vol.2

In previous post I described list of ways of data extraction from SAP ByD. Here I continue story about case “ByD to Excel” using SAP ByD Excel add-in.

Currently, I use version 135.0.2109.722 of SAP ByD addin for Excel
ByD Addin Version

In name mentioned that add-in for Excel 2010, but I’m using it for a long time with Excel 2013. From time to time have same problems that I had when used Excel 2010.

This is a basic way that SAP offers to SAP ByD consumers. However, when I opened for myself Power Query and Odata protocol in ByD, I use ByD Excel add-in only for temporary solutions or quick data exploration.

Assume, that you inserted report on worksheet. Say, Invoice Volume.